In this day and age, communication is essential. Families and friends have access to each other through their cellular phones and tablets. But the police, fire, and ambulance cannot afford to use this luxury item when responding to an emergency.

They cannot afford individual communications with each policeman, fireman, and so on. Thus the a need for a mobile command center. These centers act as a communications hub to ensure that all responders get the correct message from their superiors.

These command centers are loaded with up-to-date technological devices that aid communication and allow them to see what is taking place at the emergency scene.

What are police mobile command centers used for?

There are all different types of emergencies that the police have to handle. It saves time and lives by having emergency equipment on hand when they need it. The police can act faster when they get the best information possible.

That is part of how the police use their mobile command centers. Here are more uses for this important vehicle.

#1. It houses a crime lab- hours are saved by having the mobile command center equipped with police crime lab equipment. This equipment can test different types of evidence and give the police the information they need to do their job.

This expedited analysis helps police to work quicker which is what most law abiding citizens want and pay for.

#2. A bomb disposal unit- no one wants to be near a bomb. What the mobile command center does is bring the bomb-defusing equipment to the scene without having to wait for the bomb squad to arrive. The equipment is there so the bomb can be neutralized swiftly.

The mobile command center can be loaded with vital bomb-defusing equipment like cameras, a remote-operated bomb-defusing robot, and much more. Having the equipment on site right away helps save lives.

#3. Large event security- everyone wants a fun yet safe time at concerts or other live events that draw tens of thousands of people. The police can place a mobile command center on site to communicate with the officers on duty.

But this command center can also monitor large crowds to keep everyone safe from notorious or lifetime criminals. Not only can the police on site respond quicker, but you also can feel safer as well.

#4. Long term surveillance- in some cities this is a much needed police action. High crime areas need proper police surveillance to ensure that law-abiding citizens are safe from those who do not obey the law.

These mobile command centers can also keep an eye on specific buildings. They can be set up to run like full-scale police stations and stay in one spot just like a police station.

#5. Search and rescue- when a loved one is missing, everyone wants the police to act quickly to bring their loved one home. To aid the police in achieving that objective, the mobile command center is used.

These centers use their communications equipment to coordinate search and rescue efforts plus, the truck can move when the search moves to keep communication lines open and clear. These centers are also good for hunting down suspects who have run from the scene of the crime.

#6. Shelter & protection- when dangerous situations arise or the weather has turned extremely bad, then the mobile command centers can shelter emergency workers from harm.

It is a safe haven, in most cases, for those people who spend their lives protecting others from harm. The drawback is that these mobile command centers do not bring the comforts of home with them. They only provide shelter, not luxurious living.

#7. A safe environment- emergency workers commanders need a space to set up their offices so they can direct their men in their tasks. Whether it be an active crime scene, surveillance situation, or other emergency, the commanders and emergency workers need to do paperwork and other duties.

The mobile command center supplies that office space and keeps those commanders safe from harm. The command centers also provide computer access for emergency workers to handle electronic investigations on different suspects.

#8. Monitoring active criminal or emergency scenes- this is the original purpose for these mobile command centers. These trucks, etc., are filled with modern technological equipment to monitor active crime scenes, and ongoing natural disasters, as well as security for everyone.

Plus, they are very flexible as these mobile command centers can move when it is necessary for them to relocate.

Key benefits of the mobile command center:

While many people do not look at the mobile command center with pride or support, there are some benefits for those people who do. Here are some of the benefits the general public receives from their police department upgrading to these vehicles.

#1. Swift response to crime scenes and disaster areas- time is of the essence and these mobile command centers save time and help as many people as they can

#2. At the scene and a communication hub- the commanders are right there directing their men instead of being back at the police station wondering what is going on. They can give better commands to resolve the problem.

#3. They can be customized- what this means is that these mobile command centers can be equipped to meet any emergency that takes place. That provides better service and saves more lives.

Some additional words:

Moments count in an emergency and when lives are in danger it pays to have a police force equipped with a mobile command center. Citizens want their police forces to respond quickly and catch criminals or rescue people when they are in trouble.

The way for police agencies to meet those demands is to employ a mobile command center. These vehicles can be used for any emergency situation and help keep people safe when it counts. Their communication capability enables that objective and helps the police and other emergency workers to know what to do and where to do it.